I sent our little gift from G.W., “Tax relief for America’s families” as it said on the check, to my bank last week. It was returned back to me on Saturday with a note, “Payable 2 parties – cannot deposit to single”. Turns out that because of the Patriot Act, they need a form filled out with The Wife’s signature before they can take the check (the account is in my name) even though we both endorsed it. I find it very amusing that the administration that’s trying to get me to spend and be a good little consumer is keeping me from doing so with it’s useless, overly paranoid bureaucratic red tape. It’s a good thing they’re here to protect me from myself.
The Wife and kids are in Reston visiting the in-laws, so I’m having a bachelor daddy weekend. I went to the redistricting rally at the Capitol yesterday morning. I’m apparently a horrible judge of crowd size as I estimated the crowd at a few hundred and the Statesman reported close to 5,000. There’s actually a decent analysis of the situation in today’s Statesman as well. In addition to the rally, I’ve been going out on the town. I’m a little wiped out from trying to keep up with my single friends. I’m definitely out of practice.
Here’s another installment of Baby Chaos. It’s just The La and Mateo this time, but The Boy adds some preschooler chaos. Both babies are standing now and working on walking. I think Mateo’s already taking a few steps on his own. It’s really great that Sofia takes so many good pictures to supplement our sometimes meager offering.
We just got back from our trip to Maui for my father’s 60th birthday. The rest of the family is sleeping off some of the jetlag. There’s a new picture of the week for each kid and I’ve also uploaded an album of pictures from the trip.
The highlights included a snorkel trip on the Gemini to Honolua Bay and fireworks over the ocean courtesy of the Grand Wailea. The Wife and I managed to escape to David Paul’s for dinner on Thursday night and no trip to Maui would be complete without a stop at Mama’s Fish House. We also had a really nice visit with Rocky, Mark, Max and Sam at their place in Kihei.
There was a videographer on the Gemini cruise and my mom sprung for a DVD, so we should have some good footage. I’m hoping to convert some so that it can be viewed here. We were lucky enough to have Hawaiian Spinner dolphins appear on our way to and from Honolua. They were jumping out of the water and racing the boat as we sailed back in. The boy was stoked and I hope that is caught on the video. We also spotted several of the sea turtles that are prevalent at the preserve.
The kids were amazingly well behaved on the trip to and from Maui. The highlight on the trip out was the appearance of Marc Singer of Beastmaster and V fame two rows in front of The Wife on our flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu. I think only one other person recognized him. I was going to get an autograph for R., but chickened out. We had a little scare on the way back. We booked the trip through Orbitz and they had us on a small commuter carrier called Pacific Wings from Kahului to Honolulu. When we arrived to check-in, they informed us that we were booked on a flight that no longer existed despite the fact that Orbitz had sent a trip update and preparation email the day before we left (June 26th) that still listed us on that flight. Thanks to the helpful and understanding people at Pacific Wings in Kahului, we got booked on to a flight with Aloha and managed to make our connection to Dallas in Honolulu, but had to trek across the airport parking lot with all of our bags and both kids as the commuter terminal was separate from the main terminal. Boo to the jerks at Orbitz, who will be hearing from me tomorrow, and hooray for the desk people at Pacific Wings in Kahului. Of course, once we got through the agricultural screening and the baggage check, we were “selected for extra screening.” The Wife and I had to pass The La back and forth while we were wanded and patted down. Meanwhile, our flight was 5 minutes from boarding and we still needed to gate check the stroller. We finally arrived at the gate only to find that the flight was delayed 30 minutes.
One more note….
The Wife and Kids attended Baby Chaos the day before we left for Maui. Sofia took lots of pictures as usual. They arrived late, so you’ll have to scroll down a little to find them.
We all headed to Deep Eddy pool yesterday for an afternoon of Baby Chaos. Two of the other kids from our birthing class were there along with a set of twins. The La managed to get stung by a bee on the palm of her left hand, but she survived without too much trauma. Once again, Sofia saved us by taking a ton of pictures.
My computer is still out. I could just go ahead and re-install the OS, but I’m trying to exhaust all my options for saving the existing install first, particularly my email archives.
I spent the majority of the weekend with The Boy and The La while The Wife OD’ed on Kriya yoga. We went to the park both Saturday morning and Sunday morning for several hours each time. The La is a big fan of the baby swing while The Boy spent most of his time on the “big kid” swing and the monkey bars. He used to be afraid of even going up the ladder, but now he’ll make it about halfway across before dropping down. The La’s first tooth is really coming in now with more on the way. She’s moving around by rocking back and forth while sitting. Sometimes she ends up rocking too far forward and doing a face plant or goes backwards and hits her head on the floor. We’ve been keeping her on the carpet with her a few pillows around her to soften the impacts. She managed to scoot herself to the coffee table and I watched close by as she tried to pull a large book down on top of herself. I kept moving her back to a safer area and she kept scooting herself back to the table, determined to give herself a concussion with that book.
I remarked to my dad that she looks like an autistic kid with all of the rocking and that triggered a memory for him. Apparently, my sister used to a similar move when she was an infant and he called it “schizo-rocking” at the time. I guess it must be a sex-linked Trentham gene as neither I nor The Boy did it. I don’t think The Wife did it either, but we haven’t asked her parents. If Mark is reading this, perhaps he can tell us if Laura ever did it?
Anyway, those looking for pictures will have to wait until the weekend. We’ll most certainly take several at Eeyore’s on Saturday. If you go back through The Boy’s picture of the week archives in late April/early May, there’s almost always an Eeyore’s picture.
That’s right, The La is 6 months old today! It seems to be going by very quickly. She’s cutting a tooth and is pretty much able to sit on her own now. I suppose we can expect crawling and pulling up by the end of the summer. I guess it’s time to lower the boom on The Boy about leaving his toys around on the floor.
On a totally unrelated note, The Daily Show last night was absolutely hilarious. Dennis Miller was the guest and he’s apparently been saving up a lot of material because he was non-stop. I was crying because I was laughing so hard. We recorded it on the DVR. Too bad there’s not an easy way to share it from there. Perhaps they’ll put it up on the website.
I posted new pictures for the kids last night. They’re from my parents’ visit last weekend. Both were taken with my mother’s digital camera.
My back is recovering from a marathon weed pulling session yesterday. I’m learning the hard way how much work it can take to maintain a decent lawn. I’ve pretty much neglected the back yard for the past four years and now I’m paying for it. A large section of grass died during the summer a few years ago and it’s gradually been taken over by weeds. I let it get too out of hand and the entire lawn was taken over by wild onion and bedstraw (or catchweed or vetch or whatever the hell other 30 names it’s known by). I filled 14 Home Depot lawn and leaf bags yesterday and I’m still not done. I’ll be making another trip to the Hall of Home Improvement
TM this week to get more bags and some Weed and Feed or Turf Builder or something. Anyone know if it’s too late to plant grass seed in Texas? I think I have St. Augustine.
We watched the Oscars last night. Unfortunately, I missed Michael Moore’s speech. The guy’s a bit of a crackpot, but I’m glad he’s out there making a fuss, even if he overexaggerates. I still haven’t seen Bowling for Columbine. Congrats to Adrien Brody, who became the youngest Best Actor recipient (and who is 18 months younger than me. How depressing.). I just noticed in looking up his age on IMDB that they don’t include him in the cast of The Boy Who Cried Bitch. I’m fairly certain he played one of the institutionalized kids along with Harley Cross and Moira Kelly in that little-known film. If you haven’t ever seen King of the Hill (no relation to the show). I recommend checking it out. It’s one of his first films, has good performances all around, and is directed by Steven Soderbergh.
We took the kids to see Piglet’s Big Adventure on Saturday. The Boy inhaled an entire bag of popcorn as usual and enjoyed the movie, especially the song that they sang during the North Pole “Expotition”. The Wife missed more than half of the movie dealing with The La for whom movie theaters apparently have a laxative effect.
Not much to report lately other than our country marching steadily to an unnecessary and ill-advised war. It was nice to see that my representative in US Congress took part in a local anti-war demonstration. I’m not holding my breath that we’ll hear anything from either of our senators (neither of whom I voted for). People in West Virginia should be proud of one of theirs. Sorry for the political rant.
I need to get on the ball and put up some new pictures, but we haven’t really taken any. I’ve fixed some of The Boy’s photos in the archive so that the window sizes correctly with some of the odd shaped pictures. Going through those and the stats, it looks like The La is a little shorter and lighter than The Boy was at this same age. We’re starting her on rice cereal and carrots this week at the recommendation of her doctor. If anything, the occasion should yield some worthy photos.
I finally updated the picture of the week for The La. We haven’t taken any new ones of The Boy since Xmas, so I dug up one of him playing ping pong and Pascal and Sybil’s annual party this past December.
I went to see Narc on Saturday night with R., hAndy, Casey and Butter. It was pretty good. I give it a B/B+. I also watched Training Day, Beautiful Mind, Startup.com, and Dial M for Murder over the last few days on either cable or video rental. I have to say that Training Day and Beautiful Mind were both overrated. Startup.com underscored the absurdity of the dot-com frenzy. I just kept laughing through the whole thing. Seeing Dial M for Murder again reminded me of the genius of Hitchcock. If you’ve never seen any of his stuff other than Psycho, you need to get to the nearest video store. I suggest Saboteur, Notorious, North By Northwest, Dial M for Murder, Rope, The Trouble with Harry, Rear Window, and Vertigo.