Mar 082004

Some of you may or may not be aware that I take care of most everything for the Casino El Camino bar website (except the design, for which credit goes to Jessica). Those of you that have visited the site may have noticed that it’s been unavailable since just after Christmas. It’s a long story, but the domain registration expired and Casino and I weren’t able to get ourselves together to save it before it went on the open market. It was registered by a company who’s intentions are unclear to me at the moment. I’m currently attempting to get in touch with them.

This is especially bad timing with SXSW hitting this week. As a first step, I’ve registered and will be running the site from there for the foreseeable future. If we do manage to re-acquire the .com domain name, I’ll just forward the .net name.

Of course, this little change will cause problems for those trying to find the site from the old address, so I’m asking those that read this blog and have the means to link the new address wherever reasonable. I’m not asking people to go out of their way and overdo it, but a few blog posts here and there should help the new name out.

Thanks for your support.

 Posted by on March 8, 2004 at 10:30 pm

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