Dec 062004

It’s been so long and I had so much stuff to mention that I forgot to recount my tale of hard drive woe.

The Monday night before Thanksgiving, I went upstairs to our office to do my usual home e-mail check and found a black screen with a prompt about a non-system boot disk. Upon restarting, I got another ominous prompt and noticed some evil noises coming from my boot hard drive. Sometime between Sunday night and Monday night, the hard drive gave up the ghost, taking at least 5 years of e-mail and all of my contacts with it. Luckily, I store most of my important stuff on another drive, but I left the Outlook .pst in it’s default location on the c: drive. I know I’ve lost at least 10 points of geek cred for not backing up that file, so I’ll give those who are chuckling to themselves and calling me a dumbass a moment to finish…

Done? Good. Moving on. I managed to score a new 120 GB drive from Beast Buy for $40 after rebates and installed almost all of my usual crap this weekend. The next step is to hook the busted drive as a slave into another machine and see if I can recover anything on my own. I hear those disk recovery places are expensive. Anybody have any experience with them?

 Posted by on December 6, 2004 at 4:09 pm

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