Oct 272006


Wiley got to attend a super seekret invite only preview party of the unfortunately named new Nintendo console, Wii, last night. (What the hell was wrong with Revolution anyway?). Check out his full review here.

I’d really like to get one of these, but I’m having a hard time convincing myself that it’s ok to spend over $200 on a console. Sure, it’s cheaper than an XBox 360 or a Playstation 3, but what happened to $99? I got bills to pay.

 Posted by on October 27, 2006 at 9:08 pm

  One Response to “Austin Wii Party”

  1. Well, $250 is expensive, but like you said, the xbox360 is $300 for the crappy model, and the PS3 is what, $400 for the crappy also?

    I think it comes with that Wii Sports game, so you could look at it as spending $200 on the Console with controller, and then $50 for the game?

    Honestly though, all three systems are probably going to be hard to find until January or February thanks to Christmas. I love Christmas, but damn it, it pisses me off when everything is always sold out because of it.

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