Mar 252008

There have been several local news reports,  KUT and News8Austin among them, about the Austin High School Jazz Band headed to NYC for the Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band Competition and Festival at Lincoln Center in May. They’re having a fundraising concert tonight at 7pm at the Austin High School Performing Arts Center.

The KUT report was amusing in that one of the teen musicians mentions that he recognized one of the Ellington numbers from a cereal commercial. I’m guessing that’s how most kids get introduced to big band these days: commercials or cartoons. UT had an excellent jazz appreciation class when I was there in the late 80s / early 90s taught by Jeff Hellmer. The History of Rock N Roll class always gets all of the press, but I highly recommend taking Hellmer’s Jazz Appreciation class if you have the chance. They’re both under the same course heading: MUS 307 – Topics in Popular Music. I’m not sure if Hellmer still teaches the class or not.

And go support the Austin High kids tonight. It’s a very cool opportunity.

 Posted by on March 25, 2008 at 11:24 am

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