Jun 262002

A couple of random notes:

What’s with all of these accounting scandals lately? It seems like the dot-com insanity has had an effect on accounting practices in other booming industries from the same time period. With all the emphasis on stock performance, it looks like Worldcom decided not to report several billion dollars in expenses. Oops. I wonder if I should be worried about my long distance service? We contracted Worldcom to get us T1 service when I was at Furnitureshow. After the nightmare that we went through with that, I’m not at all surprised that the company was being run poorly. I wonder how many more of these are going to come out. It’s really a shame. Thousands more are going to get laid off because of this. You trust that the execs are doing their job and then they screw you.

On a happier note, barring any unforeseen changes in opinion, I think we’ve come up with a name for our impending arrival. Are you ready? Here it is:

Lily Yayeri Trentham

What do you think? We’ve gotten pretty good feedback so far. Lily is just a name we both like. It doesn’t have any family significance. I’m also not sure if that’s the spelling that we’re going with (Lili, perhaps?). Also not definite that it’s going to be the shortened form, perhaps it’ll be Lillian and we’ll just use the shortened version. The middle name isn’t set in stone yet either. Yayeri was The Wife’s middle name before we were married. She now has her maiden name as her middle name. It’s also her grandmother’s name. I like the idea because it keeps up the tradition that started with The Boy of having a Ugandan middle name. I’m sure you’ll all have your own opinions…

 Posted by on June 26, 2002 at 6:39 pm

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