We’ve long speculated that our 20-month-old, aka The La, is an alien observer from another planet. She’s been known to make other babies cry by staring at them unflinchingly for inhuman amounts of time with no show of emotion on her face. She also seems to pick up behaviors (both desirable and undesirable, the latter mostly from The Boy) like a sponge, much more so than her older brother.
The Wife reports that yesterday The La woke up early and cranky from her nap. After attempting various methods to appease her, The Wife plunked her down in front of The Tube for some Blue’s Clues action (one hopes of the Steve instead of the Joe variety). The La watches for a few minutes and then notices the as-yet-unopened-and-unread local paper. She picks up the paper and gingerly removes it from it’s plastic bag. She then walks over to the trash can, paper in one hand and bag in the other, and deposits the bag in the trash. She returns to the couch with the paper, situates herself, and then proceeds to "read" the paper, something that she’s seen her mother do most mornings of her life. Scary.