Jan 022003

Chronology of last night, keeping in mind that The La and I are both sick and The Wife was working. Also, it was an extremely windy night and we’ve had a lot of rain recently.

10pm The La falls asleep and I put her on her stomach in the middle of our bed.
10:30pm The Wife leaves for work.
11pm The La wakes up because snot is keeping her from breathing through her nose.
11:30pm I get The La back to sleep in her swing. I go to bed.
2:30am The La wakes up hungry, still in the swing. I feed her a bottle.
3am The La is asleep again, but this time propped up on her back in her bassinet. I, however, can’t sleep due to constant nose blowing and sore throat. I lay awake for almost a half an hour when I hear something walking through the leaves in our front yard (our bedroom window faces the front yard). I look out the window and see Sam sniffing around the front yard. My makeshift repairs to our rickety backyard fence which was damaged by a fallen branch last winter have apparently not held up well in the high winds. I go open the front door an let the dog into the laundry room where I keep him until I get up in the morning and can actually do something about the fence. I finally fall asleep around 4.
5:30am The La wakes up again and seems to think that it’s time to get up. I feed her again and stick her back in the swing. I finally convince her to sleep around 6:30 at which point I fall back in bed.
7am My alarm goes off.
7:30am I actually get up.
8am The Wife arrives home and is now coming down with the same thing that The La and I have. She’s only had 5 hours sleep since Tuesday morning and will now have to try to sleep and deal with The La for the rest of the day as I have to go to work. BTW, I’m technically supposed to be there at 8. Thankfully, The Boy’s daycare re-opens from the holidays today.
8:15am I make hurried repairs to the makeshift repairs on the fence and hope they hold until I can get more time to do it properly. I threaten the dog with a live skinning if he gets out again, for all the good that’ll do.
8:30am The Boy and I leave for work/daycare.
9am I arrive at work. Only an hour late.
 Posted by on January 2, 2003 at 9:34 pm

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