Jun 202002

I managed to get decent tickets to the Tool/Tomahawk show ($43 apiece, ouch), although they aren’t nearly as good as the ones we got through Ticketmaster for the show in San Antonio last year. The only thing that I have to say about the experience is that TexasBoxOffice.com and the site that they use for transactions need to upgrade their service. It couldn’t handle the rabid Tool fans trying to get tickets Saturday morning. I had to wait minutes for pages to come up and was often greeted with “Server not available” and various other error messages.

There’s a lot of news this week on deep linking. For those of you that are unfamiliar, this is the practice of linking past the home page of a site. The Dallas Morning News has claimed that it violates their policy. (I might add that in getting the links for this, I was assaulted by the most annoying popup ad yet. When you shift focus to it, it moves around the screen, making it difficult to close it. It eventually settles in the middle of the page. After making the point in this posting, I’ll never link to their site again. If they’re going to keep that up, they won’t have to worry about people deep linking them anymore.) More shockingly, it came out yesterday that N P R has a policy of requiring you to ask permission before linking to them. Of course, policies like those of the Dallas Morning News and N P R are utterly silly and have already been struck down when legally challenged. As an avid listener to N P R, I’m appalled.

In other news, allow me to point you to this article on evolution vs. creationism.

 Posted by on June 20, 2002 at 6:12 pm

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