Aug 142003

The Wife and kids returned from Reston yesterday morning. I picked them up from the airport, had lunch with them and then headed to work for the afternoon until my dentist appointment at 4:15. I got out of the dentist appointment in time to catch Steve Burns’ in-store appearance at Waterloo Records, although I missed the live performance. I really wish the rest of the family could’ve made it as I felt a bit creepy standing in line to get Steve’s autograph on his new CD. They were stuck at home since The Wife loaned her car out to a friend while she was gone and didn’t get it back until late last night. Most of the rest of the line consisted of parents with their preschoolers. He dutifully took pictures with some of the kids (one even holding a stuffed Blue). The weirdest moment was some older woman asking him to put lipstick on and kiss a napkin or something to leave a lip print. I was amazed to see him comply, although he ducked behind the counter to actually apply the lipstick and kiss the item. I would’ve refused if I were him. Steve noted that I didn’t look like a typical fan of his. I explained the absence of the rest of the family, told him that we miss him on the show (Does anyone like Joe better?), and said that I dug the web site and “What I Do On A Saturday”. He signed our CD and I headed home. The music has some Radiohead and, oddly enough, Pink Floyd elements to it. It may also sound something like The Flaming Lips as they collaborated with him, but I’m not familiar with any of their music.

 Posted by on August 14, 2003 at 7:08 pm

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