Today’s my three year blogaversary. I switched to this format on January 19, 2002 and started posting some stuff.
Some things have stayed the same.
- We’re still in the same house.
- I’m still at the same job.
- We still have a chimp for a president.
Other things have changed:
- I’m now a father of two.
- My paternal grandmother is no longer with us.
- We’ve joined the minivan cult.
- I’ve started playing drums in a gigging band again.
Most of the changes have been chronicled here in one way or another. My posts have become more political and more outwardly-focused as opposed to targeting a readership of family. I’ve made several cool friends via blogging and started participating in a group blog.
I’m hoping to have the time to add some stuff this year. I’ve got one project that I’ve been wanting to do for several years and should finally have the time this spring or summer. I’m still also seriously considering splitting off all of the family stuff to a separate site and keeping this one for my interests/rants. I really, really need to re-design the band site. If you followed the link, you know why.
Anyway, happy blogaversary to me!