Apr 192005
Meme Time: Copy this list, leave in the bands you’ve seen perform live. Delete the ones you haven’t and add other ones you’ve seen until they total to 25. The asterisk means that these are bands that the previous person had on his/her list. Two asteriks mean the last 2 people that did this had this band on their list, etc..
(in no particular order, from Sean)
- Turbonegro
- Beastie Boys**
- Nirvana
- Burning Airlines
- Iggy Pop
- Metallica
- Fishbone
- Foo Fighters
- Helmet****
- Rocket From The Crypt*
- Fugazi*****
- Mudhoney
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Tortoise
- Slayer**
- Starfish
- Tool
- Tomahawk
- Bob Mould
- A Perfect Circle
- X
- Unsane
- Faith No More
- Soundgarden
- Ratt